23 May 2002 (11:21am CST)
Zanthia walked towards the Hall, her dress was a soft yellow and her shawl was around her shoulders. She was among the last to arrive, the air was chilly and the silk, which her dress was made of, cooled down. The Yellow sister walked to her chair and sat down. The Keeper frowned a bit and slammed her staff to the floor three times.
Sarelein saw that Zanthia finally arrived. That woman is always late… Waiting till the Aes Sedai had taken her seat The Keeper hit the floor with the end of her staff three times. “This meeting is now set, the purpose is to elect a successor to our late Amyrlin, Kathana. The Sitter who wishes to speak first stand up and you will be given the attention of the Hall.”
One sister stood up almost hastily, and waited. Sarelein had a difficulty keeping her thoughts in order; the grief was beginning to catch up with her. “Speak sitter, the attention is yours.”
Zanthia looked over the different people in the Hall, she rarely said much at meetings but this time she felt that it was going to be different somehow, she didn’t know why. She just knew.
Zanthia, Sitter of the Yellow Ajah / Sarelein, Keeper of the Chronicles
26 May 2002 (3:58am CST)
Deanne stood, she was not really in any rush, but breaking the ice on this sort of topic could be hairy at best. “Speak sitter, the attention is yours.” Deanne nodded in gratitude. “Thank you, Serelein.”
Deanne stepped away from the chair, more for show than any annoyance at the seat. “Sisters, first I would like to express my grief at Kathana’s passing. She will be missed by all and the Tower is a duller place without her in it.” Some sisters nodded sadly, other’s remained calm and neutral.
“I think we all know why we are here. Whilst it is indeed a time of grief and mourning, there is no time to be restful, to indulge in these feelings. Another Amyrlin must take her place before us. In these troubled times, for make no mistake, my sisters, they are troubled, we need to be united under the living banner of the Amyrlin. The Tower cannot show even a scrap of weakness or we can expect to feel the teeth of our predators in our soft underbelly.”
“So the question before us, sisters, is who do we bless and curse with the Seat of the Amyrlin? What do we want in our leader? And where can we find these qualities?” She knew she was stating the obvious, but someone needed to herd thoughts in the right direction.
Sitter for the Grey
26 May 2002 (6:36am CST)
Cyndrid listened to the grey, she was obviously trying to get the ball rolling and Cyndrid was grateful for it; she wanted the discussion to start as soon as possible, so ajahs had as little time to scheme as possible. She wanted to listen to other sides before she made her thoughts clear. It was best to find out where peoples’ allegiances lay first. Caution was paramount…
Blue Sitter
03 June 2002 (6:59pm CST)
Raeyn watched as old Sitters stated their points on the raising of a new Amyrlin Seat. She kept her face carefully neutral, and without turning her head, let her eyes wander across the room to double check for the presence of her… darker sisters. Sure enough, all were in place, and all pretended a mix of outward calmness up to somewhat frayed nerves.
Looking down at her lap, Raeyn suprised herself with the tight grip she held on her skirts. “ Well, I guess there is some reason for nerves,” she mused to herself as she made herself relax her grip on her skirts, “ Whoever rises to the Amyrlin Seat will affect everyone, and we all must be very careful..” The thought trailed off in her head, and she turned back to the Hall, and listened.
Raeyn Sedai
Brown Sitter
05 June 2002 (4:31pm CST)
Egwainne slowly stood, enjoying the quickly masked looks of surprise on some of the Sitters. Egwainne wasn’t the one to start the discussion. She always waited, patiently listening to other Sitters’ remarks, searching for the currents and undercurrents. At first the Hall thought that a sign of weakness, of intimidation on the part of a young Sitter. They learned better. It was a real shame the Hall had meet so soon. There was no time to feel out the Sitters outside the Hall. No point in whishing for something that was impossible to get. She will have to do with what she was given.
Egwainne nodded to the Keeper. “Yes, these are indeed troubled time. Any times in which there is an actual need for the Red are troubled times.” Egwainne loved making pokes at her rival Ajah. This one was maybe a bit too blunt, but it didn’t matter. She continued. “The World needs a strong leader. The world has a strong leader. The world has the White Tower. But it does not stop there. The Tower also needs a strong leader. What does make a strong leader? Wisdom, of course, the patience to examine the matter from all sides, but also the nimbleness to react quickly on the pressing concerns.”
She paused for a second. Scanning the room she saw nods of approval and smiled inside her mind – so far, she has said absolutely nothing. So far…
“The Tower already has such a leader.” That brought some startled looks. “The Tower is led by the Hall, as it should be. No one woman can be wise enough, strong enough for the Amyrlin Seat. Therefore, I suggest the Hall to find someone gullible. Someone… …young.” Egwainne couldn’t help but smile at the irony.
“The Amyrlin needs to be guided by the Hall. These are not times for endless bickering between the Hall and the Amyrlin. Choose wisely. Do not weaken the Tower.”
And back to her seat it was. Now she would wait, listen and note. She will make sure the power stays with the Hall.
05 June 2002 (5:24pm CST)
Cordelia glanced around the Hall with flickering, green eyes. She felt nothing. Death gnawed around the edges of her mind with knife-like teeth, but she pushed it out with cool, collected composure. She would not let grief mar her decisions. Despite her efforts, she shifted in her chair, trying to make herself comfortable in the cold room. She gave a fleeting look to the person next to her, Ayrlin. The Aes Sedai sat, calm and unruffled beside her. Lia turned her focus back to the woman speaking. Egwainne Sedai looked around the room.
”The Tower already has such a leader. The Tower is led by the Hall, as it should be. No one woman can be wise enough, strong enough for the Amyrlin Seat. Therefore, I suggest the Hall to find someone gullible. Someone … young.”
Cordelia smiled faintly at the biting wit. A slight curve of her lips.
”The Amyrlin needs to be guided by the Hall. These are not times for endless bickering between the Hall and the Amyrlin. Choose wisely. Do not weaken the Tower.”
She raised her hand in a swift, light motion, before rising. ”If I may speak, Sitter?” Egwainne nodded. ”I agree with what was just said,” she commented, as she gave those in the room a rapid perusal. ”Although I myself am not of many years, it would suit the Hall best should our Amyrlin be younger. Here,” she remarked, gesturing around her, ”here we have some of the most knowledgeable, gifted, and intelligent people in the world as it is known. It is here that the real power is generated, and should continue to erupt from the Hall, however quietly and unnoticed. That is why I believe someone susceptible, and young would be the best candidate. Someone who does not understand the burden before taking it upon themself, who will rely on the Hall for -help- with the most important decisions.” Her smile was cruel, and most unlike her.
06 June 2002 (2:50pm CST)
Cyndrid listened carefully to her ajah head and Cordelia, the white. She disagreed but didn’t know whether it was wise to counter her own head and knew she should follow her lead.
If the hall had the influence it wouldn’t be the whole hall just the odd few strongest or most supported; so it could lead to more problems say 2 or 3 amyrlins! When what they needed in these crucial times was a strong, wise leader who could act decisevely without bickering or conferring. The choice they needed to make was the most suitable to this position or within the ajah who could be manouvered to the blues will.
Cyndrid hoped someone would stand up to go against this option so she could agree, until then she’d have to wait so as not to show a broken ajah front to the other sitters…
10 June 2002 (11:06am CST)
Eleanor listened to the statements of Egwainne and Cordelia Sedai. She was a bit dubios about their idea to have an Amyrlin under control of the Hall. On one hand the Tower needed experience, but on the other hand an Tower led by the entire Hall would complicate things needlessly.
She did agree though that the Tower needed someone young, an Amyrlin who would die in a decade or so would weaken the Tower at a time when strenght was needed. Elle thought about standing up and express her feelings, but she decided not to do so right away. She was the youngest and newest Sitter of the Hall so she wanted to hear the oppinions of the other Ajahs first.
Eleanor al’Raim
Green Sitter
12 June 2002 (12:54pm CST)
Marce barely contained a small smile as the third sitter sat down. Of course they would clammer for a young Amyrlin. The Hall itself was fairly young. The image in her head was of a pack of ducklings trying to learn to fly from each other when none of them really knew what they were doing. Without an experienced leader, the ducklings and the White Tower would be easy prey for the wolves.
Marce gazed around the room uneasily. For every woman over 60 in the hall, there were two under that age. It did not bode well for an older Amyrlin unless some of the younger Sitters recognized the logic in flying your strongest in front.
The room had been silent for a time after the White had returned to her seat. Marce feared that the silence was a form of agreement from the rest of the Sitters. She could no longer hold back and wait to hear what others had to say. She couldn’t trust that her opinion would be aired by one of the others. She quietly took a deep breath in and carefully released it without sighing before she slowly stood.
“I have two points I would like to address. First, Kathana’s situation is not the norm for Aes Sedai. While she was significantly older than most of us in this room, she should have had many more years of vibrant life. Older sisters with more experiences should not be rejected by the Hall because some fear a repeat of very unusual circumstances.
“Second, there are times an Amyrlin will have no choice but to make decisions on her own. What will a younger Amyrlin do when she lacks the Hall’s subtle whispers in her ear? She may attempt to guess what we would have her do, but then her reactions will only be as good as she is intelligent. If she is highly intelligent, we run the risk of her deciding she doesn’t need our suggestions and veering off in her own directions. Younger Aes Sedai do not posess the experience required to make good decisions, taking into account all the factors their decisions would affect. They do not have the advantage of years of hearing and perhaps participating in Hall business that would lend them insight. They would be more likely to fall prey to the power of the office of the Amyrlin Seat rather than recognizing and respecting the responsibilites that come with the position.
“One final thought before I give others a chance to speak. Perhaps an older Amyrlin would exert her authority more, but I personally would rather be led by a woman of wisdom and experience than by a child mimicking her elders.”
It was done. She slowly took her seat, adjusting her gray skirts and straightening her shawl. She didn’t like that she had been forced to express her opinion so early, but her words were spoken and she couldn’t take them back. Perhaps speaking early was the better course. She hadn’t had the opportunity to speak with the other two Grays before the Hall was summoned. Perhaps her words had given them an idea of which candidates they should support and which they should discount. She could only hope that they would follow her lead if in doubt. The Grays should be unified on this decision, particularly considering it was very unlikely that the new Amyrlin would come from within their ranks.
12 June 2002 (9:04pm CST)
As the Gray Sitter Marce sat down, Raeyn slowly began to stand up. She adjusted her dark purple skirt briefly before speaking.
“My fellow Sitters, I would have to agree with Marce Sedai on this issue. At this time, the Tower is without a leader when we need to be the strongest. If we were to elect a younger woman as the Amyrlin Seat at this time, who can say if she will be able to stand up and be decisive when needed, or will be the mockery of the world?” Raeyn looked around the chamber at the other Sitters briefly before continuing, “The world has become a more dangerous place in the past few years, and we need someone who will be strong, and not a tool. A more experienced woman is what we need right now… someone that knows how to be in charge. Beyond that, there isn’t much I can trully say.” Looking around the chamber once more, she fixed the sisters from her true ajah with a very brief glance before settling back down in her seat. Her part for now was done.
Raeyn Sedai
13 June 2002 (2:55pm CST)
Cyndrid nodded slightly, relieved that two people shared her point of view. As Raeyn sat down she slowly stood up and fixed her gaze on different sitters in turn. Then calmly she said ” Sisters, I’m sure we all have a view on this – whether for our future Amyrlin to be weak or strong, young or old. But until we have examples of who each ajah or sitter, unto herself, is proposing and backing, we can’t possibly say which we’d support. So I ask you now sitters, as I’m sure this will be a lengthy buisness, we need to get straight to the point, share your ideal choices with the hall, and do so without fear.. we are all working towards the same end, the good of the tower and, as such, the world.”
Smoothing her skirts she sat down again, letting out a slow breath. There, she had moved the subject away from people choosing a puppet without openly disagreeing with Eggwaine. She hoped it would be enough to start people thinking of serious, possible candidates.
14 June 2002 (3:22am CST)
Sitting quietly she adjusted the Green shawl that hung at her shoulders. There were only a few here older then she, oh they’d ask her her age, but all they’d get is a sweet smile, and the comment that it was rude to ask a woman about her age. Mandi watched as she usually did to see what was going on. Her blue eyes watched as each of her Sisters stood and stated what everyone already knew.
They needed a leader, whether she was old, or young. Mandi preferred the former. Younger Sedai wanted someone they could relate to while the older ones wanted someone who was more expericanced. There was only one person she knew that would be able to handle the job. Standing she absently smoothed her blue dress.
Holding her head high, she spoke. “I’d like to nominate Karana.” A hushed mumble came over the crowd, but Mandi held her hand up, to silence the Hall. There had always been a tension between the Browns and the Greens, but now was the time to put differences aside, and choose wisely. Adjusting her shawl again she sat.
18 June 2002 (9:45am CST)
Karana was shocked to hear Mandi Sedai, a Green no less, put forth her name to be the Amyrlin. She had expected to be nominated… and considered herself a good candidate.
But what did it mean, to be put forth first? Was that good or bad? And by a Green?! Numerous thoughts and scenarios flew through her head… which tack should she take? A wrong move here could ruin it all for her, and the Browns… and with what she had learned at the Ogier Stedding, possibly the world. She had never been a master of the politics of the Tower. As a young Aes Sedai she had been out and travelling all the time, hunting the items of Power she loved to study. As she got older and travelled less, she counted on her age and strength to just intimidate most other Sisters. When she didn’t just want to be left alone, that is.
What to do? She looked at Raeyn and the other Brown Sitter. Raeyn appeared to be deep in thought, but she caught Karana’s eye and gave her a small approving smile and an encouraging nod.
Karana slowly stood, fighting the urge to smooth her dress or her hair. “Well,” she said. “I can’t say this comes as a total surprise, but the source is a bit shocking.” A ripple of laughter spread quickly through the Hall and was silenced almost as quickly.
“I accept your nomination, Mandi Mubrylla Aes Sedai. I myself have not had a chance to contemplate the choices and have no counter nomination to make at this time. The death of Kathana has left a hole that the White Tower will struggle to fill, and I hope that we all think seriously about our choices as we put forth names for consideration.”
She sat down slowly and waited for the next person to suggest another candidate.
Karana Majin
Brown Ajah
18 June 2002 (1:00pm CST)
Myriam sat back as deeply in her chair as her current state would allow her. It was very important to at least appear completely in controle of things around her now. Myriam knew that her voice would not have gone amiss in this counsel. As the youngest of the current Sitters she was never sure of how much the women around her trusted what she thought and spoke. And her faith had already been formed in Raeyn Sedai, to care for her interests. Her fellow sister’s look had assured her beyond the need for words, and Myriam managed to relax a bit more.
She ran her finger slowly down the side of her simple gray skirt. Simplicity was also something she tried to keep public. The bit of plainness that was nothing but approachable, her face had assumed the agelessness that bore no mark of her relative youth. A factor that worked in her favor at times.
Noting her pleasure at the words that had been spoken thus far, Myriam noticed her thoughts drifted for a moment, only to be recalled by the voice of Mandi Sedai, of the Green. The feeling against her fingers was forgotten, and Myriam inadvertantly sat forward in her chair a bit. Her eyes first found Marce, and shared a small but warm smile. It was a decision that they at least would be in agreement of. Her eyes next went to Raeyn. The woman was watching Karana as she stood and addressed the assembled Hall of the Tower. But Myriam didnt’ detect anything distressing. She addressed her own feelings at the announcement.
Kathana was gone. The reasons for that were simple enough to those that knew. Knowledge was power, but could be the end of anyone when wrongly known. Even an Amyrlin. She did not know Karana well. Not yet. A Brown… that gave a moment of pause. Knowledge. Understanding. But Raeyn would know if Karana was a threat or not, they had worked together for years. Myriam put her trust there, settled back in her chair again, and watched the Hall dance.
18 June 2002 (2:11pm CST)
Jagen tried to suppress all her feelings until Mandi suggested that yet another Brown was to take the Amyrlin Seat. In her opinion, it would not be so. She didn’t have anything against Karana at all- barely knew her!- but all Jagen needed to know was that the one nominated wasn’t a Red. A White would have been better! At least the Blues have fairly kept to themselves, she thought with a small smile.
When everyone quieted she stood up. And she ignored her fellow Sitters, especially the Domani, Muirenn. “An interesting nomination,” she said in her Taraboner accent. “A second Brown in a row, that would be. I know for us, for the Hall, it is not commonplace to sit to elect another Amyrlin except rarely, but of course we all know what must be.” She arranged her shawl.
“The Amyrlin, she must be a strong willed woman who knows what she is about. She must have great skill on politics,”- the Grays seem to agree- “she must be able to manipulate people when she wills, emotionally heal in time of need and most importantly, be an excellent leader.” She sat down and waited, not daring to look at Muirenn.
18 June 2002 (4:14pm CST)
Raising an eyebrow at the Red, Mandi sniffed. The woman was a fool, she nominated herself. Mandi wondered if the Red knew that if she wasn’t elected as Mother, that she’d be banished from the Tower, and sent to the penance farm. Shrugging, Mandi kept her mouth shut if the woman wanted to sign her own death warrant.. that was her problem.
19 June 2002 (12:35pm CST)
Zanthia had a hard time listening to the various sitters who spoke, there were surprisingly few who did. But do not think that she did not pay attention she did and she exchanged eye signals with her fellow sisters, her sisters. She was Ajah head and they had agreed to let her speak first. However Zanthia was shocked when Jagen Sedai of the Red Ajah suggested the qualities needed in a candidate, How could she? Surely she did not do what I just thought she did? Drawing her attention back to her thoughts Zanthia looked for a moment at the Keeper, she seemed tired of all this and looked like she wanted it to end as quick as possible. But this was just Zanthia’s speculation it could also be the sorrow from the loss of Kathana.
But she could not come over her astonishment that she agreed with a Red Sister.
Looking around the Hall Zanthia saw that many were doing the same, trying to find whom they would support or find weaknesses or simply enjoying the view. The view, yes… I must really get out of the Tower soon. After Kathana’s burial perhaps? The meeting had taken an interesting turn when Jagen had suggested the qualities she looked for. Zanthia stood up from her chair; the feeling of not sitting was a welcome change.
“Jagen Sedai, Sitter of the Red Ajah. I applaud your words, and I must agree with them even though the Yellow Ajah does not agree with the Red often. Now, there seems to be a lack of candidates and Karana is the only one suggested so far. I propose we vote over Karana, she has accepted the nomination and I see no need for us to sit here and stare at each other like we do now.” Zanthia sat down again, she did not catch the reactions of the Hall over what she said but she reckoned it was not schock.
Sarelein was now more anxious than ever to retire to a house secluded away from the world and live in ignorant bliss for the rest of her life, she was not surprised when Karana was nominated she would have been more so if she had not been. And she was the only to be nominated also. The Tower has become too young I think, but age will come as will wisdom. If not I fear that the Tower will not survive much longer. The words that came from Zanthia Sedai, was like rain in a desert to the Keeper. After Zanthia had taken her seat Sarelein slammed her staff to the floor and spoke with determination. “Then let us vote! Mandi Aes Sedai, Sitter of the Green Ajah. Summon your candidate before us!”
Sarelein Sedai of the Gray Ajah, Keeper of the Chronicles
——————————————————————————————21 June 2002 (4:57pm CST)
Carrain held her hands in her lap. She listened but knew that it would not be she herself who would speak. It really was a preposterous idea that a young girl be trusted with the seals and all other responsabilties of the Amyrlin seat. It was a relief to have that notion die a short death with the voices of the more exerienced Sedai.
Carra looked to Zan as she really did not want the Yellow to be the last to speak. True the yellow were not know for their politics or the amount of women who occupied the seat from their ajah. Only the red had less Amyrlins. Her world would change little with this change. She only hoped a wise descision would be made. Zan finally stood to speak and Carrain had to hide a smile. She really had opinions so unlike a yellow. Yet it served the Ajah well. To get the vote over soon would serve the Tower well. Her vote was already decided as was the voice of her Ajah’s head.
Carra heard the staff fall and listened as she must. “Then let us vote! Mandi Aes Sedai, Sitter of the Green Ajah. Summon your candidate before us!”
Carrain Aman’dore
Yellow Sitter
—————————————————————————————–21 June 2002 (10:57pm CST)
Jagen gave a nod of approval to Zanthia. Not get along with Yellows? Why, I’d have better luck getting along with a White! Well, she did have a White’s personality at times. But even with the problem between Reds and Blues, Reds and Greens never got along.
Karana was interesting. She didn’t know anything at all about her really; Jagen had been gone until right before Kathana’s death. She decided what to do. It would be best.
JagenRed Ajah
——————————————————————————————22 June 2002 (9:09pm CST)
Had Muirenn not been sitting in the room, she would never have believed the words coming out of Jagen Sedai’s mouth. She would deal with the child later. Some time on the Farm would do her well. Obviously the girl had learned nothing from being locked in her room. The child had sworn to behave in return for being released for this meeting, and this was how she was behaving! This!
Muirenn seethed inwardly as she saw her Ajah lose face on the part of one rash child Aes Sedai. Jagen was not even fit to wear the shawl, much less to claim the title of Sitter. Especially not a Red Sitter! Karana must become the next Amyrlin, those had been her instructions. And Jagen seemed to be doing her best to thwart those plans. The girl would stand for Karana. She would. Or face the wrath of the Highest.
She waited for Mandi Sedai to summon her cantidate. Going over the words she must say. She had them memorized already, in hope that she would be the oldest Sitter in the Hall. She would be the one to speak the words, and she must not make a mistake.
Muirenn Lina Alianin
Highest of the Red Ajah
—————————————————————————————-22 June 2002 (11:44pm CST)
Mandi stood and adjusted her shawl. “Karana Majin Aes Sedai, I summon you to take the place of the late Kathana Justiana Trevallaer, as Watcher of the Seals, the Flame of Tar Valon, The Amyrlin Seat.”
She stood standing, she herself was one of the oldest in the Hall, so she would be one of the first to vote.
MandiCaptain-General of the Green Ajah
——————————————————————————————–(The rest of this thread is not currently available)